

Unlock the power of Bridgemate and deliver the best experience to your club

Use Bridgemates for a hassle-free, reliable scoring of your bridge games. Extend the experience with the Bridgemate app for live tracking of results or to enter scores. Enable players to join the game from home and create a true hybrid game with Bridgemate Play.





Use Bridgemates for easy scoring

With Bridgemate, your club is guaranteed a smooth, hassle-free bridge game.
Offering reliability, scalability and user-friendliness at its core, it doesn't matter
whether you're running a small social game or a large tournament, Bridgemate is perfect for the job.


Read all about Bridgemate >

Buy Bridgemate




Bridgemate app.

Your indispensable bridge partner

Combine Bridgemates with the Bridgemate app for the ultimate experience. Follow results during the game live on
the Bridgemate app and see how others are doing. Or use the Bridgemate app to enter scores, either in combination with
or instead of Bridgemates. Directors will love the app's special TD features.



Live score tracking

Follow your personal results live
during the game.


Enter results

Use the Bridgemate app to enter results
instead of using Bridgemates.

Game analysis

See how well others did and analyse where
you could have improved.


Director features

Follow the game's progress, detect slow
play and receive TD calls.

Read all about the Bridgemate app >

Download the Bridgemate app from






Play at the club or from home

with Bridgemate Play

Bridgemate Play extends your bridge game beyond the walls of your physical playing area. Add an online
section that seamlessly integrates with your face-to-face game to create a true hybrid bridge club. Whether
playing at the club, from home or anywhere else, Bridgemate Play enables players to take part in all your
club games, wherever they are.

Read all about Bridgemate Play >

  Sign up your club               Join your club



Use and combine Bridgemate solutions

whichever way you want

Bridgemates, the Bridgemate app and Bridgemate Play can be used together in any possible combination. Using just Bridgemates is the de facto solution many bridge clubs employ to ensure a smooth game. You can extend the system with the Bridgemate app to follow results, or for scoring if you are short of Bridgemates. Or add with Bridgemate Play for the ultimate hybrid club experience. Whichever combination you choose, all the results are sent to your scoring program for further processing and publication.


Bridgemate only

Use only Bridgemates for the smooth, reliable scoring of your bridge games. The preferred choice for thousands of clubs world-wide.

Bridgemate app only

Use just the Bridgemate app to score your game and follow results. Each pair uses the Bridgemate app and Bridgemates are not required.

Bridgemate Play only

Create a fully digital-only club and use Bridgemate Play to play your games. Players can still get together face to face at the club, but can also join the game from anywhere else.

Bridgemate + Bridgemate app

Combine Bridgemates with the Bridgemate app for tracking results or even to score your game using Bridgemates on some tables and the Bridgemate app on others.

Bridgemate + Bridgemate Play

Create a true hybrid bridge game with some people playing face to face at the club using Bridgemates and other participants playing online using Bridgemate Play.

Bridgemate + app + Play

Take advantage of all three technologies to create a fully hybrid bridge game, with Bridgemates and the Bridgemate app scoring the face-to-face part, and Bridgemate Play offering the online section of the game.